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Forms of Academic Exchanges:
1.Plenary and Special Reports: Invited by the Academic Committee.
2.Youth Scientist Forum: Applications are open to outstanding young scientists (including excellent students) in China.
Application Process: Submit an abstract and select "Youth Scientist Forum" for the report application. Applicants will be selected based on the abstract content after the submission deadline, and feedback will be provided to the participants.
1.Poster Presentations:
Application Process: Submit an abstract on the conference website before April 15(about 250 words in English or 300-1000 words in Chinese ).
Poster Production and Display: The Academic Committee will select abstracts for poster presentations and provide feedback to participants. Selected poster presenters are required to submit an electronic version of their posters according to the poster production requirements published on the conference website (deadline: May 15). The conference organization committee will produce the posters free of charge. Designated poster areas and poster exchange times will be arranged according to the topics.
Note: Applicants must pay the registration fee before April 15, 2024. Failure to pay the registration fee on time will result in the forfeiture of the poster presentation selection.
Remark: Awards such as the Youth Scientist Forum Award and the Excellent Poster Award will be established at the conference.