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Zhu Hong Chu

Third Military Medical University (TMMU) of PLA

As the Chief of a National Key Research and Development Program, the Chairman of the Vascular Branch of the Chinese Society of Anatomy, and an Expert for the Review of National Science and Technology Awards, he currently serves as the Director of the Department of Human Anatomy at Army Medical University, the Director of the Tissue and Organ Regeneration and Manufacturing Engineering Research Center under the Ministry of Education, and the Director of the Chongqing Organ Intelligent Biomanufacturing Engineering Research Center.

Engaged in research on the construction of engineered blood vessels and complex tissues and organs, he has received funding for over ten projects, including key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China and industry-university-research collaborations. In recent years, he has published 23 SCI papers with an IF of over 10.0 as the corresponding author (including co-author) in journals such as Science Advances, ACS Nano, ATVB, and Biomaterials. He has developed a series of vascularized engineering products and technologies, including novel bioartificial blood vessels, heart repair materials, vascularized tissues, and organoids. He has applied for and been granted 30 invention patents, 5 PCT patents, 5 software copyrights, and formulated 17 technical requirements for medical device products. His technological support has led to the acquisition of 9 product certificates, including Class III medical device registration certificates. The industry-university-research team he leads has been approved as an innovative team for municipal science and technology business incubators. He has received special government allowances from the State Council, the first-class post allowance for outstanding military scientific and technological personnel, and the silver medal for talent cultivation in military academies. He has also won a first prize for technological invention in Chongqing, a second prize for military scientific and technological progress, and a municipal scientific and technological achievement award, all as the first recipient. He has cultivated young talents such as national defense outstanding youth, national outstanding youth, chief scientists of the National Key Research and Development Plan for young scientists, and military scientific and technological talents. The Organ Intelligent Biomanufacturing Engineering Research Center he heads passed the review organized by the National Development and Reform Commission in 2022 and received support from the Chongqing Major Scientific and Technological Innovation Infrastructure Key Project.