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Zhang Hao

Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine

Chief Physician, Distinguished Professor of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, currently serving as the Dean of National Children's Medical Center and Shanghai Children's Medical Center affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine, Director of Shanghai Pediatric Congenital Heart Disease Institute, Director of Shanghai Clinical Medical Research Center for Pediatric Rare Diseases, and Candidate Chairman of the Cardiac and Vascular Surgery Branch of Shanghai Medical Association.

He has been working in the clinical frontline of pediatric cardiovascular surgery for a long time, focusing on research in surgical innovation, efficacy evaluation, and cardiopulmonary protection in pediatric cardiovascular surgery. He has published over 30 papers as corresponding author, including in journals such as Circulation, European Heart Journal, Science Translational Medicine, and Lancet Child & Adolescence Health.

He has successively received the special government allowance from the State Council, the National Health Commission's Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Experts, Shu Lan Medical Youth Award, China Youth Science and Technology Award, and other honors. He has also been selected into talent programs such as Shanghai Medical Leadership Talent, National Ten Thousand Talents Plan Scientific and Technological Innovation Leadership Talent, and National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars.