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Yao Hong Jie

Guangzhou National Laboratory

PhD Supervisor, recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars, chief scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program, an expert enjoying the special government allowance, and an honoree of the talent plan of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (with excellent final evaluation). He has won the First Prize of Guangdong Provincial Natural Science Award for Science and Technology (the first recipient).

His primary research focuses on the mechanisms of epigenetic and stem cell fate regulation. He has revealed three different dimensions of gene expression regulation (R-loop, histone ubiquitination modification, and higher-order chromatin structure) and their associated regulatory mechanisms in the epigenetic regulation of the induction, maintenance, and neural differentiation of pluripotent stem cells. His related research achievements have been published in academic journals such as Cell Stem Cell, Nature Communications, EMBO Journal, Science Advances, Nucleic Acids Research, Cell Reports, etc., as corresponding authors.