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Yang Huang Tian

Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences

PhD in Medicine, Distinguished Researcher at Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Fellow of the ISHR (International Society for Heart Research), focusing on the regulation of cardiomyocyte lineage differentiation from hPSCs and the construction of myocardial microtissues, the role, mechanism, and application of mitochondria and bioactive substances in the repair of myocardial ischemia injury. He has successively undertaken projects such as the "973" Program, Major Scientific Research Program, Major New Drug Development Project, National Key R&D Program for Stem Cell and Translational Research, Major National Natural Science Foundation Projects, Key and General Projects, Key International Cooperation Projects, as well as key scientific and technological projects of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Shanghai Municipality. He has published over one hundred papers in internationally renowned journals and won the Second Prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award in 2020. He serves as the Vice President of the ISHR Chinese Branch, the Standing Council Member of the Cardiovascular Pharmacology Committee of the Chinese Pharmacological Society, the Committee Member of the Cardiovascular and Signal Transduction Committee of the Chinese Society of Pathophysiology, the Cardiac Regeneration Group of the Basic Science Group and Tissue Repair and Regeneration Branch of the Chinese Medical Association Cardiovascular Diseases Branch, as well as a Professional Member of AHA/ASA. He is also the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of J Mol Cell Cardiol and Pflügers Archiv-Eur J Physiol, Executive Editor of Acta Physiologica Sinica, and Editorial Board Member of Cell Death Disease, Acta Pharmacol Sinica, Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy, Current Opinion in Physiology, and other journals.