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Liu Hui Rong

Capital Medical University

Professor and Doctoral Supervisor, Director of Beijing Key Laboratory of Cardiovascular Diseases Related to Metabolic Disorders; Director of the Physiology and Pathophysiology Department at Capital Medical University; National Science and Technology Award Evaluation Expert; Principal of the First "National University Huang Danian-style Teacher Team"; Leading Talent of Beijing's "High-end Talents Cultivation Program"; Recipient of the 2023 Capital Labor Medal.

Main Research Directions: The relationship between autoimmunity and cardiovascular diseases; Mechanisms of susceptibility to geriatric heart diseases. He has published 110 English papers in journals such as JACC, Circulation, Science, and 115 papers in Chinese journals. His research has been funded by key projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China's Major Research Plan, general projects of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, preliminary research projects of the Ministry of Science and Technology's 973 Program, and key projects of the Beijing Natural Science Foundation. He has received 36 scientific research awards, including the second prize of the China Medical Science and Technology Award and the first prize of provincial-level scientific and technological progress awards.