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Jia Wen Wen

Tongji University Affiliated Dongfang Hospital

Tongji University, Associate Professor/Master's Supervisor, Deputy Director of the National Stem Cell Translational Resource Bank, and Director of the GMP Laboratory of the Stem Cell Base at Tongji University Affiliated Dongfang Hospital. He has been engaged in research on the pluripotency and differentiation mechanisms of embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells. He has presided over 3 National Natural Science Foundation projects, 1 National Key R&D Program project as the principal investigator, 1 sub-project of the National 973 Program, and 1 Shanghai Natural Science Foundation project. He has published over 30 SCI papers and has been granted 5 utility model patents and 2 invention patents. On December 6, 2018, the "Trial Industry Standard for Preparation and Quality Inspection of Stem Cell Preparations" issued by him as the main drafter was released by the Stem Cell Research and Application Branch of the China Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Medicine. He serves as the Secretary-General of the Stem Cell Resource Bank Committee of the Stem Cell Research and Application Branch of the China Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Medicine; a Standing Committee Member of the Youth Working Committee of the Stem Cell Research and Application Branch of the China Association of Plastic and Aesthetic Medicine; a member of the Clinical-Grade Cell Bank Academic Group of the Clinical Data and Sample Resource Bank Committee of the China Research Hospital Association; and an auditor of stem cell preparation and storage services of the China Certification and Accreditation Association.