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Gao Ling

Tongji University Affiliated Dongfang Hospital

As a researcher and doctoral supervisor at Tongji University Affiliated Dongfang Hospital, he primarily focuses his scientific research on the mechanisms of stem cell differentiation into cardiac cells, exosome and stem cell targeted transplantation, the construction of human heart patches and organoids using tissue engineering, and the exploration of the protective effects of stem cell transplantation on ischemic myocardium in large animals. He has published over 40 SCI papers in international cardiovascular journals such as Circ Res, Circulation, Sci Transl Med, and others. He has participated as a team leader/key member in scientific funds such as the National Key R&D Program, National Major New Drug Innovation and Manufacturing Initiative, and has presided over funds from the National Natural Science Foundation, Shanghai Talent, and Natural Science Foundation. He serves as an Editorial Board member for Front Cardiovasc Med and J Biol Reg Homeos Ag.