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Du Guo Qing

Sun Yat-sen Memorial Hospital, Sun Yat-sen University

Chief Physician, Professor, and Doctoral Supervisor in the Ultrasound Department, recruited talent by Sun Yat-sen University.

Social Positions: Committee Member of the Superficial Tissue and Vascular Ultrasound Group of the Chinese Medical Association Ultrasound Branch, Standing Committee Member of the China Medical Promotion Association Ultrasound Branch, Standing Committee Member of the Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Committee of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association Ultrasound Physicians Branch, Committee Member of the Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Committee of the Chinese Society of Ultrasonic Medicine Engineering, Committee Member of the Superficial Organs and Peripheral Vascular Ultrasound Committee of the Chinese Society of Ultrasonic Medicine Engineering, Deputy Chairman of the Guangdong Health Management Association Ultrasound Committee.

Has presided over 12 research projects, including 4 National Natural Science Foundation of China general projects; published 111 academic papers, including 38 SCI papers; edited and co-edited 11 textbooks and monographs; won 1 second prize for scientific and technological progress from the Ministry of Education and 2 second prizes for scientific and technological progress from the Heilongjiang Provincial Government; has been granted 1 invention patent and 1 utility model patent; received the title of "Longjiang Renowned Doctor".

Mainly engaged in ultrasonic diagnosis and interventional therapy of heart, blood vessels, superficial organs, and musculoskeletal diseases.