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Zhang Yan Bo

Shanxi Medical University

Professor (Second-level), Doctor of Health Statistics, Doctoral Supervisor, Postdoctoral Collaborative Supervisor

Social Positions:

  • Current Director of Shanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Risk Assessment for Major Diseases
  • Standing Committee Member of Biostatistics Branch of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association
  • Standing Committee Member of Medical Statistics Education Committee of China Health Information Association
  • Committee Member of Theoretical Methods Professional Committee
  • Vice President of Clinical Research and Statistical Branch of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies
  • Committee Member of Health Measurement and Evaluation Professional Committee of Chinese Preventive Medicine Association
  • Committee Member of Chinese Chapter of International Biostatistical Association
  • Committee Member of Asia-Pacific Chinese Quality of Life Association
  • Editorial Board Member of Chinese Journal of Health Statistics and Chinese Hospital Statistics

Research Direction:

  • Statistical methods related to quantitative research and health measurement and evaluation
  • Clinical cohorts, risk assessment, and statistical methods for major chronic diseases

Scientific Achievements:

  • Led 10 research projects, including 6 National Natural Science Foundation projects
  • Published 138 academic papers, including 34 SCI papers
  • Authored or co-authored 9 textbooks and monographs
  • Obtained 6 invention patents and software copyrights