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Xu Zeng Guang

Shanghai East Hospital

Medical Doctor, Professor, and Master's Supervisor. Currently serving as the Deputy Director of Tongji University Affiliated East Hospital, concurrently as the Director of the Research Department and the Central Laboratory. Serving as an expert in discipline evaluation, outstanding graduate paper review, and doctoral program fund review for the Degree and Graduate Education Development Center of the Ministry of Education; a communication evaluation expert for the National Natural Science Foundation of China; a member of the Shanghai Medical Association's Medical Scientific Research Management Branch and a member of the District and County Collaboration Group; an expert in reviewing outstanding graduate papers in Shanghai; a consultative expert in evaluating the research competitiveness of the Shanghai health system; an editorial board member of the Chinese Journal of Industrial Health and Occupational Diseases; a member of the Hubei Provincial Occupational Health and Occupational Diseases Branch, and other academic positions.

Has been engaged in scientific research management, teaching, and research for a long time. Previously taught at Hubei University of Medicine, lecturing on courses such as "Preventive Medicine" and "Medical Scientific Research Design." Served as a political counselor for students, the Director of the Key Discipline Office, the Deputy Director of the Academic Affairs Office, the Director of the Graduate Student Office, and the Director of the Science and Technology Department. Joined Tongji University Affiliated East Hospital in 2007, successively serving as the Deputy Director of the Research Department, the Director of the Research Department, the Assistant to the President, the Director of the Department of Academic Talents, and the Director of the Research and Teaching Department. Responsible for the hospital's clinical medicine undergraduate and graduate teaching, physician standardization training, scientific research projects, talent plans, key disciplines, academic exchanges, libraries, and central laboratories. Has undertaken 15 scientific research projects at various levels, including the Ministry of Science and Technology, the National Natural Science Foundation of China, the Shanghai Science and Technology Commission, and the Pudong New Area Science and Technology Commission. Published 65 papers, including 16 papers indexed by SCI, and authored one monograph.