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Wang Wei

Shanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Bioengineering

Second-level Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Director of Shanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Bioengineering, Deputy Director of the Institute of Biotechnology at Shanxi University, and Deputy Director of the Key Laboratory of Chemical Biology and Molecular Engineering of the Ministry of Education.


Social Positions:

  • Council Member of the Chinese Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Vice Chairman and Secretary-General of the Shanxi Provincial Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
  • Council Member of the Chinese Society of Protozoology
  • Young Academic Leader of Shanxi Higher Education Institutions
  • Outstanding Young and Middle-aged Talent of the "131" Innovative Talents Plan of Shanxi Province
  • Top Talent in the "Sanjin Talents" Support Plan of Shanxi Province
  • Member of the Shanxi Youth Federation

Research Directions:
① Epigenetic regulation mechanisms of genome rearrangement and damage repair;
② Signaling pathway mechanisms of unicellular organisms' response and adaptation under environmental stress;
③ Preparation and application of humanized single-chain antibodies and nanobodies.

Scientific Achievements:
① Hosted and completed 5 National Natural Science Foundation projects, 1 key scientific and technological research project of the Ministry of Education, 2 open projects of national key laboratories, 1 major Sino-US international cooperation project of Shanxi Province, and multiple projects funded by the Shanxi Provincial Natural Science Foundation and Shanxi Overseas Study Fund.
② Participated in and completed research projects such as the National "863" Project, National Natural Science Foundation, Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Key Project, and key projects funded by the Shanxi Overseas Study Fund.
③ Published over 120 research papers in domestic and international core journals.
④ Won 2 second prizes of Shanxi Provincial Natural Science Award and was granted 14 national invention patents.