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Tang Qi Qun

School of Basic Medical Sciences, Fudan University

Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Distinguished Professor of the "Cheung Kong Scholars Program" of the Ministry of Education, and recipient of the National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars. Professor Tang Qiqun was named a Distinguished Professor of the second batch of the "Cheung Kong Scholars Program" of the Ministry of Education in 1999. He is a recipient of the "National Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars" from the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2006. He is the chief scientist of the national major scientific research program "Basic and Clinical Research on Directed Differentiation of Stem Cells" and "Developmental Programming and Its Metabolic Regulation". In 2005, he was selected as one of the first batch of "Leading Medical Talents" in Shanghai. In 2007, he was selected as a leading talent in Shanghai and recognized as an outstanding academic leader. In 2009, he was selected as a national candidate for the "Million Talents Program". In 2010, he was appointed as an Adjunct Professor in the Department of Biochemistry at Johns Hopkins University and was named a CMB Distinguished Professor by the China Medical Board. He has won the First Prize of Shanghai Science and Technology Progress Award, the First Prize of Ministry of Health Science and Technology Progress Award, the Second Prize of National Science and Technology Progress Award, the First Prize of "Excellent Young Teacher of Fok Ying-Tung Foundation" (Biology Category), the Tan Chia-Ning Life Sciences Innovation Award, and the Excellent Scientific and Technological Achievement Award of the Ministry of Education. Currently, he serves as the Director of the Medical Department of the Academic Committee of Fudan University, the Director of the Key Laboratory of Metabolic Molecular Medicine of the Ministry of Education, and an Adjunct Professor at Johns Hopkins University. He is also the Deputy Chairman of the Chinese Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, and the Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the journals Diabetes and JBC.