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Liu Xian Sheng

The Third Hospital of Shanxi Medical University

Medical Doctorate, Professor, Chief Physician, and Doctoral Supervisor. Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and President of Bethune Hospital of Shanxi-Tongji Shanxi Hospital.

Social Positions:

Currently serving as Standing Committee Member and Secretary of the Hubei Respiratory Diseases Society

Chairman of the Youth Committee of the Hubei Respiratory Diseases Society

Chairman of the Hubei Medical Association Grassroots Respiratory Alliance

Committee Member of the Pulmonary Vascular Group of the Respiratory Diseases Branch of the Chinese Medical Association

Committee Member of the Asthma and Allergy Group of the Respiratory Diseases Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association

Deputy Leader and Office Director of the Hubei Respiratory Medicine Quality Control Center

Chairman of the Pulmonary Embolism Alliance of the Respiratory Diseases Branch of the Hubei Physiological and Pathological Society

Research Direction: Research on the pathogenesis and clinical aspects of bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and pulmonary hypertension.

Scientific Research Achievements:

① Has successively undertaken or participated in various major projects such as the National Natural Science Foundation of China's Youth Fund and General Program, the National 10th Five-Year Scientific and Technological Research Program, the Ministry of Health's Key Clinical Discipline Project for Hospitals under the Ministry, and the Wuhan Youth Science and Technology Chenguang Plan Funding Project.

② Published over 120 papers, including 40 SCI papers.

③ Received the First and Second Prize of the Ministry of Education's Science and Technology Progress Award, the Second Prize of the Hubei Provincial Science and Technology Progress Award, and the Second Prize of the Wuhan Science and Technology Progress Award.