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Jiao Xiang Ying

Shanxi Medical University

Professor and Doctoral Supervisor. Currently serving as the Vice President of Shanxi Medical University, Standing Director of the Chinese Physiological Society, Member of the Circulation Committee, Member of the Education Work Committee, Deputy Director of the Medical Education Informationization Committee, Deputy Director of the Expert Committee of the Shanxi Provincial Federation of Returned Overseas Chinese, Director of the Shanxi Provincial Physiological Society, Director of the Shanxi Provincial Bioengineering Society, and an outstanding young academic leader in Shanxi Province. His main research areas are heart failure and myocardial remodeling, as well as the pathogenesis, prevention, and treatment of diabetes and metabolic diseases. He has won the First Prize in the Basic Teaching Skills Competition for Young Teachers in Colleges and Universities in Shanxi Province, received a first-class merit, and was honored with the title of "Labor Model of Shanxi Province." He has presided over 17 national and provincial-level scientific research projects, published over 60 papers in various categories, edited one textbook on physiology as the chief editor, two as the deputy editor, and participated in the compilation of five other textbooks.