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Liu Zhong Min

Shanghai East Hospital

Chief Physician, Professor, Doctoral Supervisor, Dean of Tongji University Institute of Disaster Medicine Engineering, Lifetime Professor and Honorary Dean of Shanghai East Hospital, Shanghai Leading Talent, State Council Special Allowance Expert, Cheung Kong Scholar, and Foreign Academician of the Russian Engineering Academy.

With over 30 years of clinical experience in the diagnosis and treatment of critical, severe, and complex heart diseases, he has extensive experience in the treatment of terminal heart failure with artificial hearts and heart-lung transplantation. He has taken the lead in undertaking the construction projects of the National Stem Cell Industry Base and the National Stem Cell Transformation Resource Bank in the Greater Zhangjiang Area, as well as the Shanghai Stem Cell Transformation Research Institute, pioneering an innovative industrial platform that integrates basic research, clinical research, and industrialization of stem cells in China. He has practical experience in major disaster relief operations such as the Wenchuan Earthquake, on which basis he founded the Chinese disaster medicine theory and disaster medical rescue system for urban emergency management.

As the first recipient, he has won the National Science and Technology Progress Award (Second Prize), the Shanghai Teaching Achievement Award (First Prize), and the He Liang He Li Foundation's "Science and Technology Progress Award."

Professor Liu Zhongmin has also served as the first chairman of the Disaster Medicine Branch of the Chinese Medical Association and the Disaster Prevention Medicine Branch of the Chinese Preventive Medicine Association, President of the Cardiovascular Surgery Physicians Branch of the Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Council Member of the World Disaster and Emergency Medicine Society, Vice President of the Asia-Pacific Disaster Medicine Association, Chairman of the Disaster Medicine Specialty Branch of the Shanghai Medical Association, Vice President of the Third Council of the Chinese Association for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, President of the Stem Cell Research and Application Branch of the Chinese Association for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery, and Chairman of the Shanghai East Hospital Group.