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Li Ren Ke

Toronto General Hospital Research Institute

Medical Doctorate. Fellow of the Canadian Institute of Life Sciences, Founding President of the Toronto Chinese Professors Association, President of the Toronto Chapter of the North American Biology Society, Director of the Research Center at the University of Toronto, Professor of Surgery at the University of Toronto, Senior Researcher at the Toronto General Hospital Research Institute (TGRI), Chief Scientist of Regenerative Medicine in Canada, and a Lifetime Researcher of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada.

His primary research focuses on gene therapy, cell transplantation, and tissue bioengineering. He is one of the most influential scientists internationally in the fields of "cell therapy for heart injury" and "tissue engineering - preparation of extracorporeal myocardial patches for the treatment of heart defects." He has published over 270 SCI papers, with a citation frequency of 40,200 and an authoritative H-index of 100.