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All Dates (UTC+8):
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  • 2024-06-14 [Friday]
  • 2024-06-15 [Saturday]
  • 2024-06-16 [Sunday]
All Rooms:
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  • Hubin Hall AB
  • Hubin Hall C
  • Hubin Hall D
  • Fenhe Hall

2024-06-16 Sunday

Hubin Hall C (UTC+8) 2024-06-16 Local Time

13:30-15:30 (UTC+8) 13:30-15:30 Local Time | Stem cells and heart failure
NO. Beijing Time (UTC+8) Local Time Type Presentation Topic Speaker Affiliation / Organization
1 13:30-13:50 13:30-13:50 Symposium

Preparation and quality control of clinical stem cells for the treatment of cardiovascular diseases

Wenwen Jia
2 13:50-14:10 13:50-14:10 Symposium

hPSC-derived cardiac myocytes synthesize cardiac prostheses to promote cardiac infarction repair and cardiac regeneration

Huangtian Yang Shanghai Institute of Nutrition and Health,CAS
3 14:10-14:30 14:10-14:30 Symposium

New mechanism of development of hypertensive heart disease

Ling Gao
4 14:30-14:50 14:30-14:50 Symposium

UCMSC treatment for chronic large vessel obstructive ischemic stroke

Ying Xia
5 14:50-15:10 14:50-15:10 Symposium

Clinical study on human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells in the treatment of heart failure

Yuanfeng Xin East Hospital Affiliated to Tongji University, China
6 15:10-15:30 15:10-15:30 Symposium

hPSC-derived cardiac cells for the treatment of chronic hemolytic heart failure

yongsheng xu